When Jezz Ellwood from Golf Monthly called me to ask if I was interested in a trip to go play and shoot Doonbeg, I’m sure he could sense the massive grin that was taking over my face. From the first time I saw the press images of Doonbeg I knew that it was a course I would have to cover.
So I met Jezz at Gatwick to catch the Ryan-air flight into Shannon, We should have landed at about 5.00 but let’s just say the traditional on time fanfare was distinctively conspicuous in it’s absence. We picked up our hire car just after 7pm and made our way over to the West Coast, a trip of about 50 minutes for a mere mortal but only 35 for Jezza Fittapaldi. After a very warm welacome we were on a mission to see if we could get at least 9 holes in before it was dark. My first impression of the location was awesome, apparently the famous Lahinch course was first considered to be on this great stretch of coast but because of lack of communications and transport ended up a few miles further North. We manged to play several holes and could have played more but we would have missed supper, that wasn’t going to happen. The sunset was brilliant and I managed to get a few shots in the bag. We played it the next day where Jezz canned an Eagle putt on the long Par 5 8th to go several Up! Our final round was on Sunday, there was a 50 mph wind which chucked all sorts of weather at us but these conditions didn’t take away from the fun we had. Going out 1 was 2 over, coming back quite a few more over. Doonbeg would be right up there on my first page of the World’s great courses.